Critters of Cedar Hill: A Collection of Stories


By Marta Kastner – Illustrations by Anne Weede


Cedar Hill is both a house and a place. It is a historic old farm house on a modest hill spotted with cedars. All told it is about fifty acres of pasture and garden—enough space for all kinds of critters to call home.

The largest and most visible creatures are the cows. The smallest are the many bugs and assorted insects. In between are animals of all sorts—from birds, squirrels, groundhogs and skunks to snakes, frogs, mice and deer. However, of all the creatures, the family dogs get most of the attention because they are constantly underfoot.

As you read these stories of the critters of Cedar Hill, Marta Kastner’s dry wit and descriptive style will have you taking a much closer look at the critters in and around your home, and you may recall stories of your own. Your dog may have battled with a skunk. Or you may have found a groundhog in a tree. Or perhaps a large black snake appeared in your kitchen one day. These stories, and more, will entertain you as you read this book, and admire the whimsical pen and ink illustrations.